A few notes from a workshop on video conferencing. Using skype was much better than the expensive and unimpressive "Elluminate" video conferencing package.
During our conference, we Skyped with Mark Thomas. We were in West Cornwall, CT and Mark was in Haifa, Israel. Fantastic connection, clear picture and Mark had us consider some points to remember when connecting a video conference.
Technology doesn't replace relationships. People need to connect outside of the technology...
It's difficult (impossible?) to see a group's facial expressions.
As a teacher, you can respond to kids dis-engagement -- MUCH more challenging in a video conference.
Though the next few points are about image, there is no substitute for bad audio. No audience will forgive bad audio. They will check out and check email...
Lighting is huge.
Beware of daylight coming in from the rear (back rear) in a large classroom window. Use front lighting to offset. Create a warm skin tone on the face especially.
Position the face according to the grid below. NOT in the center like the effect many type built in laptop cameras create.

(I quickly sketched this grid on my iPhone using "Handwriting" v1.2 - by Cocoa Box Design (Ben Zotto). There is also an iPad version. I can quickly sketch, email the sketch directly to my blog and add a description later - another tool added to my list of great tools.)