Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Foote SmartBoard Webinar

A number of brave Foote teachers persevered today and braved the elements by choosing to stay and hear a webinar sponsored by Smart Technologies but created and delivered by three educators who have been recognized as leaders in their schools because of their success with integrating technology into math and science courses.  This information, however, has some valuable for teachers of all disciplines.

Though we had a great turnout (thanks to Joe's insight and interest in making this webinar work at Foote and to Heather's very generous offer to sweeten the pot by bringing her renowned math & munchies goodies) there were a few who could not make it to the Twichel room to watch these presentations.

Because of a few technical glitches, this took a bit longer than anticipated to post, but the following three video clips are here for those of us (me) who couldn't keep up with the flood of information -- now we can hit pause whenever you want.  Also, I included links to the resources they mention.

I hope those who came will post some comments here as well as links to additional resources.


Smart STEM Workshop Webinar - Part 1 - Robert

SmartBoard Webinar (February, 29 2012) Part 1 of 3

Bob Goodman briefly presents information that shows students in his district's programs are doing much better than average because of a number of successful initiatives they have recently adopted.  A significant part of that success, he says, is because of the transformative effect which comes from making classes more interactive with SmartBoard tools.

See more about the "Center for Learning and Teaching" and these initiatives he touches on here:

The Progressive Math and Science Initiatives (PSI / PMI) he mentions are here:
The Progressive Math Initiative Courses

The Progressive Science Initiative Courses

(This info is part of the SMART winter 2012 webinar series –
Discover New Ways to Bring Math and Science to Life in the Classroom
and was recorded for the Foote school faculty who could not make it to the professional development webinar.  It is not intended for resale or monetary gain.)

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Other Resources:
Smart Exchange

Smart STEM Workshop Webinar - Part 2 - Kristen Stephens

SmartBoard Webinar (February, 29 2012) Part 2 of 3

Kristen Stephens says the Smart Response XE (audience response clickers with a full keyboard)
gives her "immediate insight into her students’ understanding is one of the reasons why she,  values her SMARTResponse system.  Because Stephens teaches algebra 1, advanced placement calculus and introduction to calculus and statistics, she uses the only interactive response system that features a full QWERTY keyboard.

“With SMART Response, every benchmark gets tested twice, and it does it in 10 minutes. If kids still need help on the second time around, within 10 seconds after they hit submit, I have the data and I know exactly what they need help on.”

She is the mathematics department chair at Rocky River High School in Rocky River, Ohio

(This info is part of the SMART winter 2012 webinar series –
Discover New Ways to Bring Math and Science to Life in the Classroom
and was recorded for the Foote school faculty who could not make it to the professional development webinar.  It is not intended for resale or monetary gain.)

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Other Resources:
Smart Exchange


Smart STEM Workshop Webinar - Part 3 - Winnie Litten

SmartBoard Webinar (February, 29 2012) Part 3 of 3

In this video, Winnie Litten talks about how her SmartBoard and SmartNotebook lessons have transformed her classes and improved her science labs.

(This info is part of the SMART winter 2012 webinar series –
Discover New Ways to Bring Math and Science to Life in the Classroom
and was recorded for the Foote school faculty who could not make it to the professional development webinar.  It is not intended for resale or monetary gain.)

SMART Exemplary Educator application video.
Winnie Litten, Oak Park High School

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Other Resources:
Smart Exchange

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Recently reading the Eight Realizations of the Great Beings and a commentary by Thich Nhat Hanh made me think about how a teacher in todays schools might approach keeping up with the rapid and often painfil changes in technology.

Recently reading the Eight Realizations of the Great Beings and a commentary by Thich Nhat Hanh made me think about how a teacher in todays schools might approach keeping up with the rapid and often painfil changes in technology.

Eight Realizations for Technology and Education

The first realization is the awareness that the world is impermanent. Technology changes too rapidly for any sane person to keep up.

The second realization
Too much desire brings more suffering. Don't expect too much too soon. Baby steps.

The third realization
Be aware that the human mind is always searching for possessions and never feels fulfilled. Gathering too much is a trap.

The fourth realization
laziness is an obstacle
practice diligently .

The fifth realization
ignorance causes suffering. remember to listen and learn in order to develop understanding and eloquence.

The sixth realization
be generous. Treat all as equals.

The seventh realization
desire leads to difficulties. Although we are in this work
we should try not to be caught up in it. Live simply.

The eighth realization
the fire of change is causing endless suffering everywhere. We should help everyone we can.

One source of the Eight Realizations in their original form.